Ponpes Putri



I. Latar Belakang:

Darul Quran Putri ‘Aisyah radhiyallahu ‘anha merupakan Pondok Pesantren Tahfizh al-Quran plus yang berada di bawah naungan Lembaga Sosial dan Da’wah Islam/ Ponpes ”SALMAN AL-FARISI” di Dsn. Gayam Barat, Ds. Gayam, Kec. Gurah, Kab. Kediri Jawa Timur mempunyai tujuan  untuk membentuk santri-santri yang hafal al-Quran dengan aqidah yang lurus berdasarkan al-Qur’an dan as-Sunnah sesuai pemahaman ahlus sunnah wal jama’ah, berakhlak dan beradab karimah, sehat, cakap, kreatif, terampil, mandiri, berpengetahuan dan bertanggungjawab serta dapat mengembangkan fungsinya dengan baik dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat.


II. Visi Pondok Pesantren:

”Terwujudnya para hafizhoh yang memiliki aqidah lurus, berdasarkan al-Quran dan Sunnah sesuai pemahaman ahlus sunnah wal jama’ah, berakhlak karimah dan mandiri”


III. Misi Pondok Pesantren:

1. Menciptakan lingkungan pondok pesantren yang aman, bersih, sehat, ramah dan menyenangkan sehingga santri mudah dalam menghafal al-Quran

2. Menerapkan metode tahfizh yang mudah dengan kaidah-kaidah ilmu tajwid dan tahsin qiroah yang benar.

3. Melaksanakan metode pembelajaran yang mudah dalam memahami syariat Islam yang shohih dan bebas dari kesyirikan, kebid’ahan dan pemikiran yang menyimpang.

4. Membiasakan perilaku jujur, benar, disiplin, kasih sayang.

5. Membekali santri dengan berbagai ilmu syar’iy dan ketrampilan yang menunjang kemandirian.

6. Membekali santri dengan berbagai ilmu dan pengalaman agar memiliki jiwa pendidik yang baik.



Alhamdulillah sejak tahun ajaran 1433/1434 H atau tahun 2012/2013 M telah berlangsung untuk jenjang:

1. Tarbiyatul Muhafizhat (TMh).

Program khusus lulusan SMP, MTs, Madrasah Mutawasithah (ponpes) atau yang sederajat (usia minimal 15 tahun maksimal 16 th). Masa belajar 3 tahun lanjut 1 tahun pemantapan.

2. Tadribul Muallimat al-Qur’an (TMaQ).

Program khusus lulusan SMA, Madrasah Aliyah, atau yang sederajat (usia minimal 17 tahun, maksimal 20 tahun). Masa belajar 3 tahun.

Alhamdulillah pada tahun 1439/2018 telah ditambahkan program pendidikan baru yaitu:

3. Takhoshus I’dat Sholihat (TIS)

Program khusus untuk usia lebih dari 20 tahun, masa belajar 2 tahun. Khidmah 1 tahun.


V. Materi Pendidikan:

Tahfizhul Quran, Ilmu Tajwid, Tahsin Qira’ah, Gharibul Qira’ah, Musykilul Qira’ah, Ulumul Qur’an, Ushulut tafsir, Tafsir al-Qur’an, Metode Menterjemah al-Quran, Tadrib Lughawi, Muhadatsah, Khat Imla’, Ilmu Nahwu dan Sharaf, Aqidah/Tauhid, Fiqh Nisa’, Adab Akhlak, Manhaj, Ketrampilan [Tata Boga, Menjahit, Kesehatan Dasar Keluarga dan Balita], dll.


VI. Program Unggulan:

1. Hafalan al-Quran 30 juz.

2. Metodologi Terjemah al-Quran.

3. Metodologi Pengajaran Ilmu al-Quran.


VII. Jadwal Kegiatan Harian Santri

No Waktu Kegiatan
01 03.00-04.00 Qiyamul lail dan shalat witir
02 04.00-05.00 Persiapan shalat shubuh, shalat shubuh berjama’ah, dzikir shabah
03 05.00-06.00 Halaqah tahfizh al-qur’an (sabaq dan sabaqi)
04 06.00-07.00 Amal jama’i (piket kebersihan), MCK dan fathur
05 07.00-08.30 Halaqah tahfizh al-qur’an (sabaqi dan manzil)
06 08.45-11.45 Belajar Materi Lughah dan Diniyah
07 11.45-12.30 Persiapan shalat zhuhur, shalat zhuhur berjamaah.
08 12.30-13.00 Ghada’ dan persiapan istirahat siang
09 13.00-14.30 Istirahat siang
10 14.30-15.30 Tilawah al-qur’an, persiapan shalat ashar, shalat ashar, dzikir masa’
11 15.30-17.00 Halaqah tahfizh al-qur’an (sabaqi dan manzil)
12 17.00-17.30 Piket Sore, Makan dan persiapan shalat maghrib
13 17.30-19.00 Shalat maghrib, durus ‘ammah/kajian umum
14 19.00-19.30 Shalat isyak, mufrodat
15 19.30-20.30 Tahfizh al-qur’an fardiyah (persiapan sabaq)
16 20.30-21.30 Muthala’ah fardiyah/Belajar Mandiri
17 21.30-03.00 Persiapan dan istirahat malam


VIII. Panduan Target Pencapaian Hafalan al-Quran

Semester 1      : 4 Juz (30, 1, 2, 3)

Semester 2      : 6 Juz (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)

Semester 3      : 8 Juz (10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17)

Semester 4      : 7 Juz (18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24)

Semester 5      : 5 Juz (25, 26, 27, 29, 29)

Semester 6      : Muroja’ah


IX. Para Pengajar & Pengurus Utama

1. Abu Ammar Abdul Adhim al-Ghoyamiy (Alumni I’dat Du’at/Mu’allimin Ponpes Al-Irsyad Tengaran).

2. Afifi Abu Zakkiy Sigit Purnomo, S.Pd (Alumni Ponpes Gontor & Ponpes Al-Furqon Gresik).

3. Abu Wildan Eka Cahya Jatmika, S.Pd.I (Alumni Ponpes Gontor).

4. Choirul Amin Abu Imana, S.Pd.I (Alumni Ponpes Al-Manshur & STAI Ali bin Abi Tholib).

5. Fathul Huda Abu Hasna (Lulusan STM, Pernah mencicipi belajar di: UNYIL-Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Ikip Lama, Kursus Bahasa Arab di KAWAKIB Pelem Pare Kediri, Ponpes Al-Furqon Gresik sampai Ali 1).

6. Ahsani Rimadhoni (Alumni Ponpes Al-Furqon Gresik).

7. Affan Zulhilmi (Alumni Ponpes Al-Furqon Gresik).

8. Abu Bakar Nasrullah (Alumni Ponpes Al-Furqon Gresik).

9. Kuntary Ummu Zakkiy al-Ghoyamiy (Alumni Ponpes Baitul Mushlihat Susuhbango Kediri, Sekarang Ponpes Al-Qudwah).

10. Rosyidah Ummu Ammar al-Ghoyamiy (Hafizhoh, Alumni Ponpes Imam Bukhori & Ponpes Al-Furqon Gresik).

11. Qoriatul Hasanah Ummu Firdaus (Specialis Pengajar Tahsin & Tajwid, Pemegang syahadah pembelajaran Al-Quran metode Tilawaty/Qiroatiy)

12. Nurul Qonita (Hafizhoh, Alumni Ponpes Al-Furqon Gresik).

13. Nikmah Aliyah (Hafizhoh, Alumni Ponpes Al-Furqon Gresik).

14. Istiqomah Ummu Hasna (Pernah belajar di Ponpes Baitul Mushlihat Susuhbango Kediri -Sekarang Ponpes Al-Qudwah- & Ponpes Al-Furqon Gresik).

15. Liana Fitri (Hafizhoh, Alumni Ponpes Al-I’tishom Gunung Kidul Yogyakarta).

16. Muthi’ah (Alumni Ponpes Al-I’tishom Gunung Kidul Yogyakarta).

17. Menik Trianadewi (Alumni Ponpes Al-I’tishom Gunung Kidul Yogyakarta).

18. Para alumni yang sedang khidmah.

19. Juga turut mengajar secara berkala:

a. Ust. Widodo Abu Shofiyah (Alumni MAIS Cilacap)

b. Ust. Abu Mu’adz Abdul Karim (Alumni Ponpes Al-Furqon Gresik).

c. Ust. Muhammad Tallasa, Lc (Alumni UI Madinah).

d. Ust. Muhammad Yusron (Alumni Ma’had Ali Al-Irsyad Surabaya dan Mulazamah di Saudi)

e. Dll




     Itulah sekilas tentang Darul Quran Putri ‘Aisyah radhiyallahu ‘anha yang berada di bawah Lembaga Sosial dan Dakwah Islam/Ponpes Salman Al-Farisi Gayam Gurah Kediri Jawa Timursebagai informasi umum dan untuk digunakan sebagaimana semestinya. Dan in syaa Allah pada kesempatan yang akan datang akan kami dirikan Ponpes Putra “Salman Al-Farisi”.

Kediri, 1 Muharram 1440 H/11 September 2018 M

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    volante de equilibrado con cesta de embrague

    Este volante de equilibrado con compartimento de embrague constituye un procedimiento fundamental a fin de garantizar el funcionamiento ideal del propulsion y la transferencia de un camion. El desbalance en dicha pieza tiende a producir temblores, ruido, deterioro rapido de los piezas e pudiendo llegar a averias. Anteriormente, el equilibrado se efectuaba luego de quitar el volante del motor, pero las tecnologias contemporaneas posibilitan efectuar tal metodo de manera directa en el automotor, lo que esto disminuye periodo y dinero.

    Como se entiende el Desbalance?

    El desequilibrio es una condicion en la en la que la volumen de un componente rotacional (en este particular escenario, el rotativo de estabilizacion con canasto de embrague) se ubica de forma irregular en funcion de su eje de giro. Ello causa esfuerzos centrifugos que a su vez originan sacudidas.

    Principales del Desequilibrio del Rotativo de Equilibrado con Compartimento de Embrague:

    Irregularidades de fabricacion y acoplamiento: Aun leves divergencias en la estructura de los elementos tienden a originar desajuste.
    Envejecimiento y averias: El uso prolongado, el altas temperaturas y los fallas mecanicas podrian alterar la cantidad y conducir en desajuste.
    Montaje o arreglo inadecuada: Una ensamblaje deficiente de la cesta de embrague o servicios inadecuados de igual manera tienden a causar desajuste.

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  23. RobertDes

    Dicho girador de nivelacion con canasto de embrague simboliza un metodo critico a fin de certificar el rendimiento ideal del motor y la impulsion de un camion. El desbalance en dicha parte llega a producir temblores, ruido, uso prematuro de los piezas e incluso fallos. En el pasado, el balanceo se ejecutaba despues de sacar el volante del motor, sin embargo las avances tecnologicos contemporaneas permiten realizar este metodo de forma directa en el automotor, lo que disminuye duracion y presupuesto.

    Como se entiende el Desequilibrio?

    El desequilibrio representa una situacion en la en la cual la cantidad de un cuerpo rotativo (en el actual supuesto, el volante de nivelacion con canasto de embrague) se reparte de forma irregular respecto a su centro de giro de rotacion. Ello causa cargas centrifugas que a su vez generan temblores.

    Principales causas del Falta de equilibrio del Girador de Balanceo con Cesta de Embrague:

    Desviaciones de fabricacion y montaje: Hasta minimas variaciones en la forma de los piezas pueden provocar desajuste.
    Desgaste y problemas: El uso prolongado, el sobrecalentamiento y los danos mecanicos podrian afectar la masa y provocar en falta de equilibrio.
    Instalacion o mantenimiento deficiente: Una ensamblaje inapropiada de la canasto de embrague o mantenimientos inapropiados igualmente tienden a originar desbalance.

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    The wrecks of explosives-laden Nazi ships sunk in the Danube River during World War II have emerged near Serbia’s river port town of Prahovo, after a drought in July and August that saw the river’s water level drop.

    Four vessels dating from before 1950 have also come to light in Hungary’s Danube-Drava National Park near Mohacs, where the Danube’s water level stood at only 1.5 meters (4.9 feet) on Tuesday, the lingering effect of severe heat waves and persistent drought in July and August.

    The vessels revealed in Prahovo were among hundreds scuttled along the Danube by Nazi Germany’s Black Sea fleet in 1944 as they retreated from advancing Soviet forces, destroying the ships themselves. The wrecks can hamper river traffic during low water levels.
    Strewn across the riverbed, some of the ships still have turrets, command bridges, broken masts and twisted hulls, while others lie mostly submerged under sandbanks.

    Endre Sztellik, a guard at the Danube-Drava national park, said of one of the ships, “we still don’t know what this is exactly. What is visible and an unfortunate fact is that the wreck is diminishing as people are interested in it and parts of it are going missing.”
    The Danube stood at 1.17 meters (3.8 feet) in Budapest on Tuesday, which compares with an all-time record low of around 0.4 meters (1.3 feet) registered in October 2018. During floods, the Danube rises well above 6 meters (19.7 feet).

    “Eastern Europe is experiencing critical drought conditions that are affecting crops and vegetation,” the European climate service Copernicus said on its website in its latest drought report, published earlier this month.

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    Singing about the perils of fame, being dragged out from beneath a fallen chandelier then bleeding to death in front of a roomful of celebrities: Lady Gaga was not shy about making her debut at the MTV Video Music Awards.

    The year was 2009 — many will remember it as the year rapper Ye (formerly Kanye West) stage-crashed 19-year-old Taylor Swift and suggested her award for Best Female Video should have gone to Beyonce instead. But never one to be overshadowed, Lady Gaga, then 23, made some pop culture history of her own that night.

    Her rendition of “Paparazzi” — lamenting both unrequited love and the sinister effects of hounding tabloids — has gone down in the mists of Gaga legend; not least because a lack of high-quality footage means fans must resort to watching grainy screen-recorded versions circulated on social media.
    Over the limited number of pixels, Gaga can be seen at the start of the performance in an all-white ensemble: a bejeweled, asymmetric lace bodysuit and matching cape, thigh-high boots, a feathered Keko Hainswheeler headpiece and strings of glinting pearls. As she staggered back from her piano at the song’s crescendo, however, an audible gasp swept the room as thick blood suddenly appeared to be pouring from her abdomen.

    “I’m your biggest fan, I’ll follow you until you love me,” Gaga wailed desperately, her once-pristine outfit now daubed in scarlet. She ended the number suspended above the stage, ‘dead,’ as more blood dripped from her eyes.

    “(It) gives me chills every time I watch it,” Olivia Rodrigo told MTV in 2021. “I think Lady Gaga is the best performer of our generation.” The “Drivers License” singer appeared to take notes. At this year’s Grammy Awards, she began to ‘bleed’ from clenched fists while performing her hit “vampire,” spreading fake blood across her arms and neck as the song progressed.

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    Drought-hit Danube River reveals scuttled German World War II ships
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    The wrecks of explosives-laden Nazi ships sunk in the Danube River during World War II have emerged near Serbia’s river port town of Prahovo, after a drought in July and August that saw the river’s water level drop.

    Four vessels dating from before 1950 have also come to light in Hungary’s Danube-Drava National Park near Mohacs, where the Danube’s water level stood at only 1.5 meters (4.9 feet) on Tuesday, the lingering effect of severe heat waves and persistent drought in July and August.

    The vessels revealed in Prahovo were among hundreds scuttled along the Danube by Nazi Germany’s Black Sea fleet in 1944 as they retreated from advancing Soviet forces, destroying the ships themselves. The wrecks can hamper river traffic during low water levels.
    Strewn across the riverbed, some of the ships still have turrets, command bridges, broken masts and twisted hulls, while others lie mostly submerged under sandbanks.

    Endre Sztellik, a guard at the Danube-Drava national park, said of one of the ships, “we still don’t know what this is exactly. What is visible and an unfortunate fact is that the wreck is diminishing as people are interested in it and parts of it are going missing.”
    The Danube stood at 1.17 meters (3.8 feet) in Budapest on Tuesday, which compares with an all-time record low of around 0.4 meters (1.3 feet) registered in October 2018. During floods, the Danube rises well above 6 meters (19.7 feet).

    “Eastern Europe is experiencing critical drought conditions that are affecting crops and vegetation,” the European climate service Copernicus said on its website in its latest drought report, published earlier this month.

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    Remember when Lady Gaga ‘bled’ onstage during her shocking performance at the 2009 VMAs?
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    Singing about the perils of fame, being dragged out from beneath a fallen chandelier then bleeding to death in front of a roomful of celebrities: Lady Gaga was not shy about making her debut at the MTV Video Music Awards.

    The year was 2009 — many will remember it as the year rapper Ye (formerly Kanye West) stage-crashed 19-year-old Taylor Swift and suggested her award for Best Female Video should have gone to Beyonce instead. But never one to be overshadowed, Lady Gaga, then 23, made some pop culture history of her own that night.

    Her rendition of “Paparazzi” — lamenting both unrequited love and the sinister effects of hounding tabloids — has gone down in the mists of Gaga legend; not least because a lack of high-quality footage means fans must resort to watching grainy screen-recorded versions circulated on social media.
    Over the limited number of pixels, Gaga can be seen at the start of the performance in an all-white ensemble: a bejeweled, asymmetric lace bodysuit and matching cape, thigh-high boots, a feathered Keko Hainswheeler headpiece and strings of glinting pearls. As she staggered back from her piano at the song’s crescendo, however, an audible gasp swept the room as thick blood suddenly appeared to be pouring from her abdomen.

    “I’m your biggest fan, I’ll follow you until you love me,” Gaga wailed desperately, her once-pristine outfit now daubed in scarlet. She ended the number suspended above the stage, ‘dead,’ as more blood dripped from her eyes.

    “(It) gives me chills every time I watch it,” Olivia Rodrigo told MTV in 2021. “I think Lady Gaga is the best performer of our generation.” The “Drivers License” singer appeared to take notes. At this year’s Grammy Awards, she began to ‘bleed’ from clenched fists while performing her hit “vampire,” spreading fake blood across her arms and neck as the song progressed.

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    セックス ドール各ドールのページには、詳細な説明と高解像度の画像があり、商品の特徴をしっかりと把握することができます.comは、その卓越した品質、幅広いカスタマイズオプション、そして優れたカスタマーサービスで、多くのリアルドール愛好者に支持されています.

  136. せっくす 美人

    このサイトは、卓越したカスタマイズオプション、優れた製品品質、そして信頼性の高いカスタマーサポートで、購入者のニーズに応えています.ここでは、comの利点とその魅力についてさらに深掘りし、なぜこのサイトが最も信頼できる選択肢となるのかをご紹介します.セックス ドール

  137. 人形 えろ

    理想のドールはクリック一つで手に入れることができ、comはその夢を実現するお手伝いをします.今すぐウェブサイトを訪れて、その違いを体験してみてください—あなたの素晴らしいドールを手に入れる旅が今、始まります!熟練のコレクターでも、新たにリアルドールの世界に足を踏み入れた方でも、comはあなたに長年にわたる喜びと満足感をもたらす完璧なコンパニオンを見つける場所です.中国 えろ

  138. irontech doll

    総じて、comは高品質でリアルなドールを手に入れるための最適な場所です.その卓越した品質、豊富なカスタマイズオプション、優れたカスタマーサービスが、新規の購入者や経験豊富なコレクターにとって理想的な選択肢となります.セックス ドール

  139. 初音 ミク ラブドール

    直感的に操作できるインターフェースは、豊富なドールのコレクションを簡単に閲覧することを可能にしています.各ドールの詳細ページには、精緻な高解像度の画像とともに、商品の特徴やカスタマイズのオプションが詳述されています.中国 えろ